Official Movie INFINITI – Love. Yourself. First. 2022年2月16日 Rem 0 Tweet never has loving yourself first been more important. because when you do, you love the world around you better. love yourself. first. by tuning into your favorite song by going on a road trip to your happy place by choosing life over ‘likes’ conversations over comments by laughing louder than any emoji by never being late for ‘me-time’ and dressing up to the most important occasion. you. because the more you fall in love with yourself the better you love the world along the way. 「自分を最初に愛すること」 それ以上に大事なものはない。 自分を愛そう。 旅に出て、音楽を選んで、 コメントを超えた会話で、「いいね」を超えた人生で。 「自分の時間」に遅れることなく、 自分を愛すほど、世界をもっと好きになる。 Follow @carkuluma